A Bunch of Govt. Letters / Guidelines placed in One Place- NFSA – 2013 GUIDELINES:
- NFSA-2013 & SFSS-2018
- Implementation of National Food Security Act – 2013 (NFSA) – Identification of PDS Beneficiaries L. No. 14279 Dtd. 25-10-2014 DOWNLOAD
- Cancellation of old Ration Cards for NFSA – 2013 L. No. 20328 Dtd. 14.10.2015 DOWNLOAD
- Cancellation of old ration cards under NFSA – 2013 L. No. 23397 Dtd. 09.12.2015 DOWNLOAD
- Cancellation of old ration cards under PDS and replacement of ration cards issued under NFSA – 2013 L. No. 23397 Dtd. 09.12.2015 DOWNLOAD
- Central Govt. Gazette for Implimentation of NFSA-2013 DOWNLOAD
- Certificate on completion of activities for weed out in-eligible ration cardholders NFSA 2013 L. No. 14075 Dated 13.07.2018 DOWNLOAD
- Completion of Inquiries on petitions of NFSA-2013 L. No. 1294 Dtd. 19-01-2016 DOWNLOAD
- TPDS beneficiary Identification related identification process in Odisha Corrigendum for NFSA-2013 RFP No. 02 Dtd. 09.12.2014 DOWNLOAD
- Enrolment of AAY beneficiaries under NFSA – 2013 L. No. 12953 Dtd. 03-07-2015 DOWNLOAD
- Enrolment of Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) beneficiaries under NFSA- 2013 L. No. 17023 Dtd. 29-08-2016 DOWNLOAD
- Coverage of PVTGs under NFSA – 2013 L. No. 3744 Dtd. 18.02.17 DOWNLOAD
- Coverage of AAY Under NFSA – 2013 L. No. 24982 Dtd. 08-12-2017 DOWNLOAD
- Coverage of AAY Under NFSA – 2013 (District-wise AAY Card Coverage) L. No. 1178 Dtd. 16-01-2018 DOWNLOAD
- Issue of Absentee Statement to Service Providing Agencies (SPA) for Release of wages to the DEOs engaged in RCMS Centers L. No. 18820 Dtd. 03.12.2019 DOWNLOAD
- Deployment of Additional Logistics to RCMS for Aadhar Updation L. No. 14901 Dtd. 27.07.2016 DOWNLOAD
- Destruction of Old NFSA & SFSS Forms L. No. 18818 Dated 03.12.2019 DOWNLOAD
- Digitization of Applications of NFSA – 2013 L. No. 12604 Dtd. 30-06-2015 DOWNLOAD
- Distribution of new Ration Cards under NFSA – 2013 L. No.19131 Dtd. 24.09.2015 DOWNLOAD
- Economic Cost of Food Grains for FY 2015-16 L. No. 9296 Dtd. 03-05-2016 DOWNLOAD
- Eight Exclusion & Five Auto-inclusion Criteria for NFSA-2013 in English DOWNLOAD
- Eight Exclusion & Five Auto-inclusion Criteria for NFSA-2013 in Odia DOWNLOAD
- Modification in the Exclusion and Auto Inclusion Criteria of NFSA – 2013 Notification No. 17708 Dtd. 03.09.2015 DOWNLOAD
- Exclusion of ‘Death Cases’ from NFSA Database L. No. 11775 Dtd. 12.06.2017 DOWNLOAD
- Expediting Action on FIRs against Ineligible Beneficiaries to Police DG L. No. 13050 Dated 24-06-2017 DOWNLOAD
- Fair-Price-Shop-Automation DOWNLOAD
- Implementation of NFSA – 2013 in Odisha Issues during Field Verification & Solutions Thereof L. No. 15682 Dtd. 10-08-2015 DOWNLOAD
- Finance Expert for NFSA – 2013 DOWNLOAD
- Follow-up action on exclusion of ineligible families from NFSA Applicant Database L. No. 11279 Dtd. 11.06.2015 DOWNLOAD
- Functioning of RCMS at Blocks & ULBs L. No. 23066 Dtd. 03.12.2015 DOWNLOAD
- Home Delivery of Ration L. No. 19536 Dtd. 13.12.2019 DOWNLOAD
- Identification of Beneficiaries under NFSA – 2013 L. No. 20723 Dtd. 16-12-2014 DOWNLOAD
- Identification of NFSA 2013 Beneficiaries L. No. 17408 Dtd. 25-10-2014 DOWNLOAD
- Implementation of NFSA-2013 and Action thereof L. No. 11704 Dtd. 04-06-2016 DOWNLOAD
- Implementation of NFSA 2013 Rationalisation of Fair Price Shops for introduction of NFSA 2013 and Other matters L. No. 20784 Dtd. 26.10.2015 DOWNLOAD
- Implementation of NFSA-13 Change of Date Line Thereof L. No. 9580 Dtd. 18-05-2015 DOWNLOAD
- Inclusion & Exclusion Activity in RCMS L. No. 7691 Dtd. 13.04.2017 DOWNLOAD
- Issue of S.K. Oil through PoS Device L. No. 16279 Dtd. 17.08.2017 DOWNLOAD
- Revised Work Order – for setting up of RCMS Centres at Block/ULB Level with reference to RFP No. 05/FS&CW/2016//02-04-2016 & Work Order No. 7645 Date 29.04.2016 L. No. 1105 Dtd. 30.04.2016 DOWNLOAD
- Master Service Agreement RCMS DOWNLOAD
- Modification of 9th Exclusion Criteria & addition of more five auto inclusion Criteria under NFSA No. 11645 Dated 06.08.2019 DOWNLOAD
- Modification of Eight Exclusion & Five Auto-inclusion Criterias for NFSA-2013 in English DOWNLOAD
- NFSA-Follow up actions after amendment of OPDS Control Order, 2016 No. 15890 Dtd. 09.8.2016 DOWNLOAD
- Ninth Exclusion Criteria for NFSA-2013 in Notification No. 15758 Dtd. 10.08.2015 English DOWNLOAD
- OGN 1557 Dtd. 14.08.2019 Inclusion of 5 more auto inclusion criteria and Modification of 9th exclusion criteria O. No. 11645 Dtd. 06.08.2019 DOWNLOAD
- Rationalization of Additional RCMS Centers DOWNLOAD
- Publication of Lists and Inviting Objections for NFSA-2013 L. No. 13958 Dtd. 16-07-2015 DOWNLOAD
- Identification of Beneficiaries under NFSA – 2013 L. No. 20723 Dtd. 16-12-2014 DOWNLOAD
- Identification of NFSA 2013 Beneficiaries L. No. 17408 Dtd. 25-10-2014 DOWNLOAD
- Implementation of NFSA-2013 and Action thereof L. No. 11704 Dtd. 04-06-2016 DOWNLOAD
- New Decision of Government regarding fixing of District wise Targets and the 9th Exclusion Criteria for identification of PDS beneficiaries under NFSA 2013 in Odisha L. No. 15747 Dtd. 10.08.2015 DOWNLOAD
- Implementation of NFSA-13 – Issues and Solutions of NFSA- 2013 Govt. Instructions Thereof L. No. 16145 Dtd. 14-08-2015 DOWNLOAD
- Implementation of NFSA-13 – Issues and Solutions of NFSA- 2013 Govt. Instructions Thereof L. No. 16145 Dtd. 14-08-2015 DOWNLOAD
- Implementation of NFSA-13 Change of Date Line Thereof L. No. 9580 Dtd. 18-05-2015 DOWNLOAD
- Inclusion & Exclusion Activity in RCMS L. No. 7691 Dtd. 13.04.2017 DOWNLOAD
- Inclusion of Eligible beneficiaries under NFSA -2013 & SFSS – 2018 L. No. 5201 Dtd. 06.03.2020 DOWNLOAD
- Issue of S.K. Oil through PoS Device L. No. 16279 Dtd. 17.08.2017 DOWNLOAD
- Logistic Support DOWNLOAD
- Master Service Agreement RCMS DOWNLOAD
- Modification of 9th Exclusion Criteria & addition of more five auto inclusion Criteria under NFSA No. 11645 Dated 06.08.2019 DOWNLOAD
- Modification of Eight Exclusion & Five Auto-inclusion Criterias for NFSA-2013 in English DOWNLOAD
- NFSA-Follow up actions after amendment of OPDS Control Order, 2016 No. 15890 Dtd. 09.8.2016 DOWNLOAD
- Ninth Exclusion Criteria for NFSA-2013 in English DOWNLOAD
- OGN 1557 Dtd. 14.08.2019 Inclusion of 5 more auto inclusion criteria and Modification of 9th exclusion criteria O. No. 11645 Dtd. 06.08.2019 DOWNLOAD
- Operationalization of Additional RCMS Centers DOWNLOAD
- Payment of Honorarium to AWWs Letter No. 18872 Dated 22.09.2015 DOWNLOAD
- Payment of Honorarium to AWWs Letter No. 20399 Dated 15.10.2015 DOWNLOAD
- Payment of Honorarium to AWWs Letter No. 22309 Dated 03.11.2017 DOWNLOAD
- Publication of Lists and Inviting Objections for NFSA-2013 L. No. 13958 Dtd. 16-07-2015 DOWNLOAD
- Selection of WSHG as FPS Dealer for Public Distribution System – Joint Guideline L. No. 0545 Dtd. 12.03.2020 DOWNLOAD
- Field verification of Migrant Labourers registered in e-Shram Portal of Govt. of India w.r.t. inclusion & Exclusion criteria notified by State Govt. for issuance of new ration cards under NFSA. L. No. 8128 Dtd. 05.06.2024 DOWNLOAD
- Field Verification of Left-out cases out cases during Aadhar eKYC Verification of all members in ration card under PMGKAY_NFSA and SFSS L. No. 14151 Dtd. 23.09.2024 DOWNLOAD
- Additional Target (individual) for inclusion of left out eligible beneficiaries under State Food Security Scheme L. No. 18731 Dtd. 02.12.2019.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Guideline_Implementation of SFSS – 2018 for providing food to poor, distressed left out eligible persons L. No. 15448 Dtd. 06.08.2018.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Clarification on auto-inclusion and ineligible L. No. 21151 Dtd. 09.11.2018.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Implementation of SFSS for providing Food Security to Poor, Distressed & Eligible persons L. 18268 Dt. 19.09.2018.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Implementation of SFSS for providing Food Security to Poor, Distressed & Eligible Persons L. No. 18620 Dt. 30.9.2018.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Implementation of SFSS – 2018 action points discussed in VC dtd. 4th Sept 2018.pdf DOWNLOAD
NFSA-2013 & SFSS-2018 |
- Distribution of Rice & Chana whole to Stranded Migrant workers under ‘Atma Nirbhar Bharat’ Economic measures of the month of month May & June 2020 L. No. 8507 Dtd. 28.05.2020.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Distribution of Rice & Chana whole to Stranded Migrant workers under ‘Atma Nirbhar Bharat’ Economic measures of the month of month May & June 2020 L. No. 8606 Dtd. 29.05.2020.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Issue of Rice & Chana whole to Stranded Migrant workers under ‘Atma Nirbhar Bharat’ Economic measures of the month of month May & June 2020 L. No. 8225 Dtd. 22.05.2020.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Issue of Rice & Chana whole to Stranded Migrant workers under ‘Atma Nirbhar Bharat’ Economic measures of the month of month May & June 2020 L. No. 8550 Dtd. 28.05.2020.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Release of Rs. 9551695022 for distribution of Rs. 1000 to eligible NFSA and SFSS card holders during COVID-19 L. No. 6895 Dtd. 03.04.2020.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Clarification on Age Relaxation to Salesman Engagement for JS L. No. 21547 Dtd. 20.12.2013.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Clarification on Jogana Sahayak Degree Qualification L. No. 15223 Dtd. 04.08.2017.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Clarification on Jogana Sahayak regarding Odia Language Qualification L. No. 21549 Dtd. 20.12.2103.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Commission for FPS Retailer & Remuneration to JS L. No. 18732 Dtd. 18.11.2014.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Consolidated Guideline for Engagement of Jogana Sahayak L. No. 6112 Dated 06.03.2018.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Enhancement of Honorarium to Jogana Sahayak L. No. 24250 Dtd. 28.11.2017.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Enhancement of Honorarium to Jogana Sahayak to Rs. 6000 L. No. 20271 Dtd. 26.10.2018.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Jogana Sahayak Job Chart L. No. 9948 Dtd. 12.05.2016.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Payment of Honorarium to Jogana Sahayak engaged in PDS Distribution L. No. 6818 Dtd. 02.04.2016.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Payment of Incentive to PEOs L. No. 11217 Dtd. 26.05.2016.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Promoting Institutes to Become FPS Retailers & Selection Procedure for Jogana Sahayak L. No. 07040 Dtd. 21.04.2012.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Relaxation in Qualification to Salesman for Jogana Sahayak L. No. 8694 Dtd. 04-05-2015.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Selection Procedure of Jogana Sahayak L. No. 7443 Dtd. 27.04.2012.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Payment of Honorarium of Jogana Sahayak direct to their Bank Account L. No. 8651 Dtd. 20.06.2024 DOWNLOAD
- Collection of Proportionate License Fees for Renewal of PDS license for Part of a Year L. No. 6245 Dtd. 22.03.2013.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Commission for FPS Retailer & Remuneration to JS L. No. 18732 Dtd. 18.11.2014.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Distribution of PDS food grains in manual-unautomated mode L. No. 1466 Dtd. 20.01.2020.pdf DOWNLOAD
- FPS Automation.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Operational Guidelines for GPs revolving Fund for managing PDS L. No. 11503 Dtd. 11.07.2012 DOWNLOAD
- Refund of the unspent and unutilised amount of Onetime Revolving Fund No. 8664 Dtd. 29.05.2014.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Information for the Booklet 2016-17.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Issue relating to smooth operation of FPS managed by GP.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Job Chart of Panchayat Executive Officers PR Dept. L. No. 20576 Dtd. 30.10.2018.pdf DOWNLOAD
- License Form for New PDS Retailers.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Payment of Incentive to PEOs L. No. 11217 Dtd. 26.05.2016.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Preference to WSHG as PDS Retailer followed by Gramapanchayat.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Promoting Institutes to Become FPS Retailers & Selection Procedure for Jogana Sahayak L. No. 07040 Dtd. 21.04.2012.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Revised Guidelines for appointment of FPS Retailers for PDS Retailers No. 163 Dtd. 04.01.2012 (Cropped).pdf DOWNLOAD
- Revised Guidelines for appointment of FPS Retailers for PDS Retailers No. 163 Dtd. 04.01.2012 (Original).pdf DOWNLOAD
- Revision of Consumer price of Re 1 Rice.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Selection and Appointment of eligible WSHGs as FPS Dealers L. No. 6116 Dtd. 17.03.2020.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Submission of CB Letter No. 7763 Dated 12-04-2016 .pdf DOWNLOAD
- Use of PDS Rice for running free-kitchens during Cyclone FANI L. No. 6880 Dtd. 02.05.2019.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Wheat Distribution Days L. No. 15538 Dtd. 05.08.2015.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Implementation of Integration of Electronic Digital Platform Weighing Scale with e-PoS Devices at Fair Price Shops on Rental mode L. No. 8130 Dtd. 05.06.2024.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Work Flow for Certification Process of Distribution Data in Fair Price Shop Automation System Portal L. No. 1849 Dtd. 30.01.2025 DOWNLOAD
- Odisha Govt. to keep exist K. Oil Sub-Wholesalers L. No. 13854 Dtd. 21.08.2014.pdf DOWNLOAD
- AAY beneficiaries selection for 3rd Phase L. No. 22152 Dtd. 07.10.2005.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Cancellation of Old Ration Cards L. No. 23397 Dtd. 09.12.2015.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Direct Benefit Transfer on S. K. Oil L. No. 22240 Dted. 11.11.2016.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Implementation of the Proposed scheme of RDP Card for 60% Disability.pdf L. No. 3302 Dtd. 22.02.2014 DOWNLOAD
- Operational Guideline for Re. 1 Rice L. No. 4779 Dtd. 19.03.2014.pdf DOWNLOAD
- User Manual – Final for RCMS of NFSA – 2013.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Abolition of K. Oil Sub-Wholesaler L. No. 15560 Dted. 26.09.2012.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Abolition of K. Oil Sub-Wholesaler L. No. 07025 Dtd. 02.05.2014.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Abolition of K. Oil Sub-Wholesaler L. No. 09445 Dted. 12.06.2014.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Payment of the cost of S. K. Oil by retailers to wholesalers L. No. 13531 Dtd. 10.07.2015.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Issue of License in favour of Wholesaler for Sell of Non PDS S.K. Oil L. No. 6511 Dtd. 30.03.2016.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Distribution of S.K. Oil against New Ration cards issued under NFSA – 2103 L. No. 7933 Dtd. 12.04.2016.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Distribution of Non-PDS. Oil in the State L. No. 12500 Dtd. 18.06.2016.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Direct Benefit Transfer on SK Oil. L No. 6418 Dtd. 27.03.2017.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Sale of Double fortified salt in Fair Price Shops L. No. 8498 Dtd. 24.04.2017 DOWNLOAD
- Additional Allotment of SK. Oil for Natural Calamities L. No. 10677 Dtd. 24.05.2017.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Issue of rations to the ration card holders on specific dates L. No. 3196 Dtd. 19.08.2017.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Request to Central Govt. for Opening of Outlets for supply of non-PDS SK Oil D. O. No. 12028 Dtd. 08.06.2016.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Revision in Retail Selling Prices of PDS Kerosene L. No. 16883 Dtd. 28.08.2017.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Issue of SK. Oil to NFSA Beneficiaries through e-PoS Device L. No. 16279 Dtd. 17.08.2017.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Issue of SK. Oil to NFSA Beneficiaries through e-PoS Device – Revised Instructions L. No. 20265 Dtd. 11.10.2017.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Revision of retail price of PDS K. Oil by increasing 0.25 paisa in each fortnight L. No. 15388 Dtd. 06.08.2018.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Distribution of balance stock of SK Oil of January-March 2020 to non-cardholders during COVID-19 Situation L. No. 7264 Dtd. 23.04.2020.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Acceptance of Single Tender for Selection of L-I & L-II for Year 2019-2021 L. No. 8842 Dtd. 22.06.2019.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Extension (2nd) of Contract Period of Existing Handling Contractors and L-I & L-II Transport Contractors for Year 2017-19.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Extension of Contract Period of Existing Handling Contractors and L-I & L-II Transport Contractors for Year 2017-19.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Extension of Service Period for setting off RCMS Centers at 376 Numbers Block_ULB Level & at 30 DGRO from 01.03.2019 to till 15.03.2019 & Proper Exit Management.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Increase in stack and lot size of rice for enhancing capacity utilization L. No. 19586 Dtd. 30.12.2019.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Sample Tender Document for Handling Contractor for 2019-2021.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Sample Tender Document for Level-I Contractor for 2019-2021.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Sample Tender Document for Level-II Contractor for 2019-2021.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Terms and Conditions of Tender for disposal of damaged stock of CMR lying at OSWC, Paralakhemundi, Gajapati Notice No. 1530 Dtd. 27.01.2021.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Procurement of once-used jute gunny bags for packing of CMR in KMS 2020-21 L. No. 6981 Dtd. 1305.2021 DOWNLOAD
- Permission for use of once-used gunny bags for procurement of rice in KMS 2019-20 L. No. 378 Dt. 13.05.2020 DOWNLOAD
- Permission for use of once-used gunny bags for procurement of rice in KMS 2019-20 (Cost of Gunny fixed to Rs. 22) L. No. 9310_OSCSC Dtd. 20.07.2020 DOWNLOAD
- Reimbursement of the transportation charges for the movement of once used gunny from FPS L. No. 7981 Dtd. 08.06.2021 DOWNLOAD
- Recovery of shortage value as per the decision of Committee on Special Audit Report DOWNLOAD
- Engagement of extra vehicle for paddy procurement work DOWNLOAD
- Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) Regarding Receiving of CMR at RRC DOWNLOAD
- Guidelines_Instructions for Finalization of Tender for L-I & L-II Transport Contractor DOWNLOAD
- Physical Verification of Paddy & Rice Stock in mill Premises by FCI Personnel both Kharif & Rabi KMS 2020-21 L. No. 363_MD Dtd. 18.09.2021 DOWNLOAD
- Verification of Fortified Rice Kernel by CSO as Desired by FCI DOWNLOAD
- Roll out of Rice Fortification Prog under ICDS-MDM-PDS-Modalities in the State L. No. 5328 Dtd. 08.04.2022 DOWNLOAD
- Bringing Improvements in the functioning of the Supply Chain Management System SCMS) and Fair Price Shop Automation (FPSA) software applications L. No. 6472 Dtd. 03.05.2024 DOWNLOAD
- Sensitize millers to avoid any rejection of stocks – Regarding L. No. 218 Dtd. 04.01.2025 DOWNLOAD
- Food Policy KMS 2009-10.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Food Policy KMS 2010-11.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Food Policy KMS 2011-12.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Food Policy KMS 2012-13.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Food Policy KMS 2013-14.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Food Policy KMS 2014-15.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Food Policy KMS 2015-16.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Food Policy KMS 2016-17.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Food Policy KMS 2017-18.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Food Policy KMS 2018-19.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Food Policy KMS 2019-20.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Food Policy KMS 2019-20.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Food Policy KMS 2019-20.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Food Policy KMS 2020-21.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Food Policy KMS 2021-22.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Food Policy KMS 2022-23.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Food Policy KMS 2023-24.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Food Policy KMS 2024-25.pdf DOWNLOAD
- MSP KMS 2006-10.pdf DOWNLOAD
- MSP KMS 2010-11.pdf DOWNLOAD
- MSP KMS 2011-12.pdf DOWNLOAD
- MSP KMS 2012-13.pdf DOWNLOAD
- MSP KMS 2013-14.pdf DOWNLOAD
- MSP KMS 2014-15.pdf DOWNLOAD
- MSP KMS 2015-16.pdf DOWNLOAD
- MSP KMS 2016-17.pdf DOWNLOAD
- MSP KMS 2017-18.pdf DOWNLOAD
- MSP KMS 2018-19.pdf DOWNLOAD
- MSP KMS 2019-20.pdf DOWNLOAD
- MSP KMS 2020-21. Pdf DOWNLOAD
- MSP KMS 2021-22. Pdf DOWNLOAD
- MSP KMS 2022-23. Pdf DOWNLOAD
- MSP KMS 2023-24. Pdf DOWNLOAD
- MSP KMS 2024-25. Pdf DOWNLOAD
- Procurement_Guidelines_2009_10.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Procurement_Guidelines_2010-11.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Procurement_Guidelines_2011-12.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Procurement_Guidelines_2012_13.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Procurement_Guidelines_2013_14.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Procurement_Guidelines_2014_15.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Procurement_Guidelines_2015_16.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Procurement_Guidelines_2016_17.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Procurement_Guidelines_2017_18.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Procurement_Guidelines_2018_19.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Procurement_Guidelines_2019_20.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Procurement_Guidelines_2020_21.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Procurement_Guidelines_2021_22.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Procurement_Guidelines_2022_23.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Procurement_Guidelines_2023_24.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Procurement_Guidelines_2024_25.pdf DOWNLOAD
- 4 Times paddy after 3rd December Agreement.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Agreement with Custom_Miller_2013_14.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Agreement with DCCB 2010-11.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Agreement with OSCB-2010-11.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Agreement-Custom-Miller-2010-11.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Appointment of Surveyor for Damage of CMR in Cyclone.pdf DOWNLOAD
- CAP Storage Concept for KMS 2014-15 L. No. 17630 Dtd. 29-10-2014.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Clarification on Payment of Mandi Handling Charges L. No. 16133 Dtd. 05.10.2018.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Collection of Info. on Rice Delivery by Miller of RRC by M-Gov.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Control to Diversion of OSCSC Paddy to Open Market Account by Custom Millers L. No. 8614 Dtd. 25.04.2017.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Coverage of Insurance for OSCSC Paddy Stock in KMS 2016-17 L. No. 18378 Dtd. 25.10.2016.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Draft Agreement with Custom Miller for KMS 2012-13.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Grant of Enforcement Certificate _ Delivery Certificate for issue of levy Rice CMR KMS 2010-11 L. No. 21289 Dtd. 02.12.2010.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Gunny Return to Farmers for Receiving fo Paddy L. No. 4108 Dtd. 20.02.2016.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Inspection of Rice Mill Premises and authentication of Capacity L. No. 16928 Dtd. 26.10.2018.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Key Points for verification of a Rice Mill for Participation in Paddy Procurement.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Key Responsibility of PO at PPCs for KMS 2015-16 L. No. 1909 Dtd. 29.01.2016.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Mandi handling operation at Paddy Purchase Centres L. No. 9095 Dtd. 01.06.2020.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Milling Capacity verification format 2018-19.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Online Farmer Registraion for KMS 2017-18 L. No. 13464 Dtd. 07.07.2017.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Uniform Specification of Paddy Rice and Coarse Grains for KMS 2014-15 L. No. 18084 Dtd. 07.04.2014.pdf (Related to URS and Value Cut) DOWNLOAD
- Proceedings of the Collectors’ Workshop regarding Paddy Procurement in KMS 2017-18 L. No. 16879 Dtd. 28.08.2017.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Security norms for Defaulting Custom Millers of KMS 2018-19.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Storage Loss and Joint Recording Moisture Content L. No. 15917 Dtd. 01.10.2018.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Verification of Milling Capacity for KMS 2018-19 L. No. 16928 Dtd. 26.10.2010.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Verification of Milling Capacity of Mills with FCI Personnel Letter No. 113770 Dated 11-07-2017.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Verification of Milling Capacity with Presence of FCI Personel for KMS 2016-17 Clarification thereof.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Uniform Specification of Paddy L. No. 14869 Dated 13.09.2023 DOWNLOAD
- Guideline for Selection & Functioning of WSHG as Paddy Procurement agent of OSCSC Ltd. or Other State Agencies L. No. 13820 Dtd. 12.9.2019 DOWNLOAD
- Abolition of regular posts Assistant Civil Supplies Officer L. No. 18449 Dtd. 27.11.2019.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Abolition of regular posts Inspector of Supplies L. No. 18444 Dtd. 27.11.2019.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Creation of Regular Posts Additional Civil Supplies Officer L. No. 18454 Dtd. 27.11.2019.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Disposal of personal Grievance L. No. 21876 Dated. 08.11.2016.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Disposition List of ACSOs as on O. No. 19541 Dated 13.12.2019.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Disposition List of CSOs as on O. No. 16125 Dated 22.10.2019.pdf DOWNLOAD
- General Guidelines for Securing Aadhar Act 2016 & IT Act 2016 L. No. 21988 Dtd. 01.11.2017.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Procedure for Suspension _ Proceedings to MI _ IS by Collectors L. No. 11852 Dtd. 13.06.2017.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Promotion Order on ACSOs to Addl. CSO O. No. 9167 Dtd. 05.06.2020.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Reconstruction of Cadre of OCSS L. No. 0442 Dtd. 07.01.2019.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Restructuring of the cadre of Odisha Civil Supplies Service O. No. 2090 Dtd. 07.11.2012.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Revised Sanction Strength of ACSOs L. No. 14789 Dated. 29.09.2013.pdf DOWNLOAD
- The Odisha Civil Supplies Service (Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2019 L. No. 18473 Dtd. 27.11.2019.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Roll out of Online Applications for Delivery of Citizen-Centric Services L. No. 18085 Dated 31.12.2020.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Launching Ceremony of Online Services of FS & CW Dept. under 5T Charter of Govt. on 22nd Oct. 2020 Order No. 14594 Dtd. 19.10.2020 FSCWD OCAC .pdf DOWNLOAD
- Enrollment & Seeding of Aadhars in Ration Card Database (Joint Letter of IT and FSCW Dept.) L. No. 11027 Dtd. 10.07.2020.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Release of funds for payment to additional DEOs L. No. 6859 Dtd 01.04.2020.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Renewal of Licenses of 2590 Private Fair Price Shops 2020-21 L. No. 6419 Dtd. 20.03.2020.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Head of Account on Security Deposit L. No. 13715 Dtd. 28.06.2008.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Distribution of PDS foodgrains in manual-unautomated mode L No. 1466 Dtd. 14.01.2020.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Entitlement of PVTGs to get AAY Ration Cards. Food Commission L. No. 993 Dtd. 07.05.2019.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Identification of Annapurna Beneficiary L. No. 11577 Dtd. 05. 08.2019.pdf DOWNLOAD
- First Preference to WSHG as PDS Retailer Order No. 14362 Dtd. 21.09.2019.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Collection of Proportionate License Fees for Renewal of PDS license for Part of a Year L. No. 6245 Dtd. 22.03.2013.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Cash Less Transaction at FPS L. No. 25384 Dtd. 26.12.2016.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Guideline for BLAC-TLAC2 Amendment L. No. 17237 Dt. 22.10.2014.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Guideline for BLAC-TLAC2 Amendment L. No. 17237 Dt. 22.10.2014.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Reconstitution of BLAC & TLAC L. No. 12991 Dtd. 07.08.2014.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Appointment of a PDS Retailer OGN-678-FS-Dtd. 31.03.2008.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Guideline for BLAC-TLAC L. No. 15132 Dtd. 03.09.2011.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Impact and Use of Prevention of Black Marketing and Maintenance of Supplies of Essential Commodities Act,1980 No. 4636 Dtd. 15.03.2014 DOWNLOAD
- Operational Guidelines on Distribution of New Jute Carry Bags to PDS Beneficiaries for Carrying foodgrains from the FPS DOWNLOAD
- Authorized Officers (All Officers of FSCW Dept. from JD to Inspector) Jurisdiction to exercise the Powers Notification No. 14503 Dtd. 13.09.2017 DOWNLOAD
- Duties of Appellate Authority (Collector of the District) in cases Licenses of PDS Retailer and L-II H & T Contractor Notification No.14512 dated 21.07.2016 DOWNLOAD
- Method of verification of stock and immune from unfounded criminal cases (allowed 2% stock deviation) Order No. 14816 Dtd. 29.08.2013 DOWNLOAD
Acts: |
Rules: |
Orders: |
- Annual Performance Appraisal Report – Weightage for implementation of 5T Charter and Mo Sarkar initiative L. No. 3684 Dtd. 18.10.2019.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Constitution of Screening Committee (Out of Turn promotion) O.M. No. 11624 Dated 16.05.2020.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Constitution of Promotion Adalat for redressal of Grievances of Govt. Servants No. 1026 Dtd. 10.01.2020.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Deduction of Tax from Salaries by DDOs of Govt. of Odisha L No. 23966 Dtd. 15.07.2019.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Disbursement of Salary and Pension in the Last working day of the month Letter No. 32686 Dtd. 24.09.2019.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Financial Management of District Panchayat Offices PR & DW Dept. L. No. 20925 Dted. 02.11.2018.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Guide on the Right to Information – 2013 Updated Version Notification No. 01-32-13-IR Dtd. 28.11.2013.pdf DOWNLOAD
- HRMS_Scedule_Instruction.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Implementation of E-PAR.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Implementation of MO SARKAR initiative L. No. 18921 Dtd. 04.12.2019.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Job Chart of Panchayat Executive Officers (PEOs) L. No. 20576 Dtd. 30.10.2018.pdf DOWNLOAD
- New pension Scheme for Deputed Govt. employee.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Odisha Revised Scales of Pay 2017 Notification by Odisha Govt..pdf DOWNLOAD
- Online Leave Module in HRMS L. No. 34285 Dtd. 28.11.19.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Online Loan and Advance Module in HRMS L. No. 34292 Dated 28.11.19.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Operational Procedure for submission of online application in IFMS Odisha for allotment of PRAN in NPS No. 32720 Dated 24.09.2019.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Pay Matrix.jpg DOWNLOAD
- Pay Matrix.png DOWNLOAD
- PBMS letter.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Premature Retirement of Govt. Employees to weed out Officers of doubtful integrity or inefficiency Letter No. 27037 Dtd. 24.09.2019.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Procedure for Suspension _ Proceedings to MI _ IS by Collectors L. No. 11852 Dtd. 13.06.2017.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Quick Grievances Redressal and Action Thereof Notification no. 7017 Dtd. 16.07.2015.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Revised Scales of Pay 2017 Notification of Odisha Govt. Finance Dept. Notification No. 414 Dtd. 20.09.2017 – Copy.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Revised Scales of Pay 2017 of Odisha Govt. Finance Dept. Notification No. 26342 Dtd. 07.09.2017.pdf DOWNLOAD
- S1_Application-for-Allotment-of-PRAN.pdf DOWNLOAD
- S2_Subscriber-detail-change-request-form.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Salary Table.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Schedule_Instruction for E-PAR.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Streamlining of National Pension Scheme.jpeg DOWNLOAD
- Updation of e-Service Book_Pension L No. 34297 Dated 28.11.19.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Relaxation regarding submission of affidavit containing the consent of all legal heirs/nominees of the deceased employee for availing the benefits of family pension upon in-servive death of the state Government employee covered under NPS _ Finance Dept. L. No. 18016 Dtd. 27.06.2024 DOWNLOAD
- Procedure for sanction of Pension OR Family Pension in respect of retired Govt. employees migrating from NPS to OPS Rules, 1992 No. 26799 Finance Dept. Dtd. 23.09.2024 DOWNLOAD
- State Government Employees Retiring a Day before their date of Annual Increment Grant of Notional Increment only for the purpose of Pension Calculation L. No. 2392 Dtd. 22.01.2025 DOWNLOAD
- The Odisha Civil Supplies Service (Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2019 OGN-2149-FS-Dtd. 28.11.2019.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Anual increments of Inspector of Supplies Letter No. 13813 Dtd. 12.09.2019.pdf DOWNLOAD
- The Odisha Group-B Posts (Contractual Appointment) Amendment Rules, 2017 OGN-1499-GA-Dtd. 15.09.2017.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Extension of Revised Scales of Pay as per Odisha Revised Scale of Pay Rules,.pdf DOWNLOAD
- The Orissa Civil Service (Rehabilitation Assistance) Rules, 1990 OGN-25585-Gen, Dtd.13.09.1990.PDF DOWNLOAD
- The Orissa Rationalization of Personnel Rules, 2007 OGN-0235-Gen-Dtd. 24.01.2008.pdf DOWNLOAD
- The Odisha Civil Supplies Method of Recruitment and Condition of Services of Inspector of Supplies Rules 2016 OGN-1421-FS-Dtd. 13.08.2016.pdf DOWNLOAD
- The Odisha Civil Supplies (Method of Recruitment and Condition of Services of Inspector of Supplies) Amendment Rules, 2018 OGN-0271-FS-Dtd. 06.02.2019.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Pay_Matrix 7th Pay Commission.png DOWNLOAD
- Restructuring of the cadre of Odisha Civil Supplies Service O. No. 2090 Dtd. 07.11.2012.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Appointment of a PDS Retailer OGN-678-FS-Dtd. 31.03.2008.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Classification of posts with necessary scale of pay attached to the posts OGN-1376-FS-Dtd. 11.07,2013.pdf DOWNLOAD
- Odisha Civil Supplies Service (Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2013 OGN-1670-FS- Dtd. 30.08.2018.pdf DOWNLOAD
- The_Odisha_Right_to_Public_Services_Act_2012 DOWNLOAD
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